From Corn to Mailer: The Eco-Science Behind Our Compostable Bags

In a world craving sustainability, businesses have been seeking innovative solutions to address environmental concerns. Enter Cirqular’s compostable bags, from trash bags to ziplocks to mailer bags, made from a blend of corn-starch, PLA (polylactic acid), and PBAT (Polybutylene Adipate Terephthalate). But what do these acronyms mean, and why are they important? Let's break down the science and the significance of these eco-friendly ingredients.

Corn-Starch: Nature's Packaging Solution

Derived from the corn plant, corn-starch is a natural polymer. It's renewable, abundant, and breaks down more easily than synthetic materials. When used in packaging:

  • Renewability: Unlike petroleum-based products, corn is a renewable resource, ensuring a sustainable supply chain.
  • Biodegradability: Corn-starch-based products have a faster decomposition rate, reducing their environmental impact.

PLA (Polylactic Acid): The Power of Plants

PLA is a bioplastic derived from renewable resources like sugarcane or corn. Its benefits include:

  • Less Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Producing PLA results in fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional plastics.
  • Compostable: In industrial composting facilities, PLA can break down in under six months.
  • Versatility: PLA's properties make it suitable for various applications, from packaging to textiles.

PBAT (Polybutylene Adipate Terephthalate): The Flexibility Factor

While PLA brings strength, PBAT adds flexibility. This combination ensures our mailers are both robust and pliable. PBAT's highlights include:

  • Compostability: PBAT breaks down into carbon dioxide, water, and biomass, leaving no harmful residues behind.
  • Compatibility: It blends well with other bioplastics like PLA, enhancing their properties, and creating a sum that is greater than the parts.

Why No Talc?

Many compostable products incorporate talc as a filler material to reduce costs. However, while talc itself is not necessarily harmful, there are concerns about its environmental and health impacts that start from the mining process. Our decision to forgo talc underscores our commitment to the highest eco-friendly standards.

  • Environmental Impact: Talc mining can disrupt ecosystems and contribute to deforestation.
  • Health Concerns: While research is ongoing, there are potential health concerns associated with talc contamination, especially if inhaled.

The Bigger Picture: Our Commitment to the Planet

By choosing Cirqular products and the ingredients we use, we're not merely creating a product, we're making a statement. Our mailers represent a vision of a world where businesses can prioritize the environment without compromising on quality.

So What?

The journey from corn to bag is a testament to innovation, dedication, and a passion for sustainability. As consumers and businesses, when you choose any of our compostable products, you're not just selecting a product, you're endorsing a philosophy and a commitment to a greener future. Together, let's celebrate the science and the eco-conscious spirit behind every compostable bag that stated off as a piece of corn and will end up the same way. That’s Cirqular.

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